Backyard Responders: My Unexpected Calling

Let’s be real, if you had told me a few years ago that I’d be running a party rental business while still being a firefighter, I would’ve probably asked what kind of strange ideas you were working with or what drugs you may be taking. I mean, I barely had time to breathe, let alone start a side hustle. But somehow, life has a way of giving you “all the time in the world” when you feel like you don’t have any.

To be honest, it wasn’t easy. It was exhausting, a little chaotic, and yeah, I loved every second of it. There’s something about watching families light up as their weekend suddenly includes a giant inflatable dinosaur that just feels right. But here’s the kicker: Backyard Responders didn’t start because I had extra time. It started because I needed it.

Before all the bounce house excitement, I was in a pretty dark place. My days were long, and I was just going through the motions, barely hanging on. Then my wife, who is basically my personal life GPS, stepped in. She suggested (and by suggested, I mean she strongly insisted) that I go to church. Honestly, if she hadn’t been there to guide me, I don’t know where I’d be right now.

Going back to church gave me a sense of purpose and happiness that I hadn’t felt in a long time. That’s when it hit me: I needed more in life, something that made me feel like I was making a difference again. And that’s where Backyard Responders came in.

Here’s the thing. I didn’t trade in my firefighter turnout gear for this. Nope, I just added to my uniform. Instead of pulling up to a scene in a fire truck or ambulance, I’m rolling in with a T-Rex Water Slide strapped to a trailer. And honestly, I couldn’t be happier. The lessons and values I’ve learned as a civil servant—like dedication, service, and integrity—are things I carry with me every day in this new chapter. It’s one more way for me to give back to the community.

Plus, let’s not forget, I’ve always been a big kid at heart. Fun and goofy is kind of my thing, so really, this whole inflatable party business? It was a natural progression. It’s like I found a way to mix being responsible with never actually having to grow up. And the best part? I’m in it for the long haul. Bringing joy to families, seeing kids laugh, and knowing I’m part of those memories? That’s the stuff that makes it all worth it.

Fire Engine Bounce House Rentals Lancaster KY